The Land around the villa


The villa sits in 2 1/2 acres of it own unfenced land and is surrounded by wild mountain country side. Huge oak trees grow round the villa and on the surrounding land together with almond and walnut trees. Wild bright yellow broom bushes cover the land and make an amazing sight, coupled with the sweet smell of the blooms in the late spring and the earlier part of summer.

The front of the villa has terraces and a small lawn and flower beds with a small but very pretty swimming pool. Beyond the pool is a huge grassy bank dropping to the land below.

Behind the villa are terraced lawns leading up to the lovely wooded area with a water well where the sheep and goats come to drink.

A good sized parking area and steps off it lead to the villa.

How to book Katsika Kabana

Check availability

If your holiday dates are available please call Meregan to discuss your plans.

Flights operate daily out of Gatwick with Easy Jet as well as out of most regional airports

  • 15% deposit
  • Balance 8 weeks before departure