Building the Villa

The first earth was cut in September 2010 and 2011 was spent in alot of "negotiation" with the Greek builder . Charles and Meregan did the plan on the back of an envelope and it was changed as the build happened. The design was deliberately simple with open plan living that would work year round. It was completed a year later.


Following local building practices the villas is made of a concrete shell and covered in an attractive plaster work. It is painted in traditional colours and fitted with shutters.

A traditional pan tile roof gives the villa a rustic feeling and ensures that it sits well in the rural surrowndings.

Environmentally Friendly
We have attempted to be as environmentally friendly as possible which also make the house much more economical to run.

  • Water harvesting and storage
  • UV drinking water treatment
  • Open fireplace with ducted fan heating
  • Solar Hot water

Local Materials

  • Natural Limestone tiles
  • Traditional plaster finish
  • Open wooden ceilings

How to book Katsika Kabana

New Safari Drive Land Rover

Check availability

If your holiday dates are available please call Meregan to discuss your plans.

Flights operate daily out of Gatwick with Easy Jet as well as out of most regional airports

  • 15% deposit
  • Balance 8 weeks before departure